Privacy Policy

The EU’s latest Privacy Policy (DSGVO) will be formally implemented in Germany on May 25, which means a comprehensive regulatory update on the rights and obligations of collecting, processing and transferring personal privacy data. This update covers almost all markets. Companies operating on the site, especially the operators of websites and online stores. With changes in privacy laws, the maximum amount of fines for breach of privacy or breach of privacy has increased from 300,000 Euros to 20 million Euros, or 4% of the company’s global turnover.

Companies in the European Union, such as establishing their own corporate website (web or online), are responsible for the operation of the website. According to the new regulations, all companies operating websites must make adjustments and updates to the content of the company’s website privacy statement in accordance with the new policy in order to comply with the latest EU privacy regulations. If your company has a company website or an online shop in Germany, please be sure to arrange for someone to combine the company’s situation and update your company’s webpage or online store’s privacy statement in accordance with the latest regulations. Many data processing methods in the modern society are increasingly used for the operation of websites, such as the integration of Google Maps, the tracking of news briefings, the use of social media plugins or Google Analytics, etc., all of which require a privacy statement on the website. In the corresponding embodiment.